A Moose antler handle, dropped point hunting knife. Handforged from BC lumbermill saw headsaw blade steel 10cm or a 4 inch long, 2.5mm or 1/8 inch thick, differentially tempered full tang blade. With a brass guard, moose antler handle and threaded brass pins this knife will last generations. The sheath is handcarved cherry wood, and leather. A working keepsake.
Cariboo Blades makes: Traditional Pacific Northwest style fine woodcarving adz and hook knives, woodworking hand tools for traditional log home work, timber framing, boat building and carving in British Columbia. We also make kitchen, bush and horse shoeing knives. They all are hand forged, hardened, tempered and hand finished. We make hand sewn leather sheaths and scabbards for the knives and tools we make. Everything Cariboo Blades crafts is hand made, only of the highest quality, and comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Juniper wood handle paring knife. Juniper trees grow very old, die and stay standing for decades. Also known as aromatic cedar, the oil and long fiber of this wood lets it last a long time. It's berries are famous.
8cm or 3 ¼ inch blade, full tang, handforged high carbon saw blade steel that holds a razors edge. Set into a 13cm or 5 ¼ inch antler and juniper wood handle with a brass guard and brass pins. It's comfortable, warm and a fine tool.

Cariboo Blades framing chisels are built strong. They can be offset for easy slicking and deeper cuts, they can be socket fit or have a tang fit running the length of the handle. Our chisels carry a lifetime guarantee. Headsaw steel is high carbon steel with a molybdenum, chromium and nickel content. We hand forge, creating a very tight grain lengthwise in the steel. After we harden and temper we go back into the blade, differentially tempering the tang and blending the tempers in the chisel blades. This creates a chisel blade with a strong tensile strength, tough enough to pry with and a razor edge that holds. We guarantee that all our chisels will hold an exceptional edge
Aki and I make everything with some soul. From solar power, gardens and reclaiming the finest materials we try to leave a light footprint working towards a sustainable future.