Projected Art Gallery Opening Exhibition July 2022
Laura works mainly in Stoneware and Porcelain, primarily creating sculpture work, celebrating the unique aspect of nature that each piece depicts. Striving to represent the creations details through painstakingly sculpting and carving, thus ensuring that each creation is one of a kind.
Laura also enjoys showcasing the natural beauty of the clay. Creating textures that show movement and depth within the piece, as well as the technique of burnishing, used alone and often in conjunction with underglazes, and glazes. Thus allowing the texture of the sculpture to convey a message to the viewer in addition to the form itself. Often spending incredible amounts of time on the finishing details as she does on the form alone.

At present Laura is in the midst of creating multiple pieces to display in her future Art Gallery Exhibition, which has a projected opening date of July 2022.
This will be the Grand Opening of
Living Dust Ceramics Art Gallery
currently under construction at her
Salt Spring Island location
10% of all Gallery sales will be donated towards one of Three Registered BC charities in order to either rehabilitate local and endangered wildlife, or to protect habitats of endangered species
The Vancouver Island Marmot recovery foundation, North Island Wildlife Recovery Association & Salt Spring Conservancy

I like to get as much intricate detail and depth into each work as possible.Spending incredible amounts of time carving and sculpting each piece. Often building solid pieces that are later hollowed out,,sometimes cut into sections and then reassembled prior to firing.The finishing technique is just as involved, paying great attention to detail, I enjoy burnishing along with adding additional texture work to the surface via carving as well as using handmade rollers created by materials I found in nature. Sometimes sculpting elaborate stamps to add exquisite detail to a piece. I appreciate the natural beauty of unfinished clay in addition to using stains,underglazes and glazes in my finished works.

I crave as an artist to find that perfect quiet moment during my creative process. Allowing the clay to silently speak to me, instructing the shaping process. Bringing the Dust to Life in a way that captures its innermost essence, then sharing that form with others. To share the beauty hidden within.