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Basketry in Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

Kathleen Peace, Bamfield

Kathleen Peace, Bamfield

Sea Glass Creations from Bamfield, BC


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry, Glass art, Stained Glass | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Barb Powell, Saanich

Barb Powell, Saanich

Pine needle baskets, kelp baskets, gourd art.. woodburned, pine needle trimmed, asian inspired, BC inspired designs


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry)
Ria Bos, Victoria

Ria Bos, Victoria

Ria Bos integrates fabric and natural materials to create vibrant works of art


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry, Fibre art)
Honeysuckle Fibre Studio, Dianne Cross, Sidney

Honeysuckle Fibre Studio, Dianne Cross, Sidney

Master Spinner - spinning tutorials available; Traditional Hooked Rugs using yarn, supplies and instruction on spinning and hooking; West coast tapestries

Sidney, V8L 2Z9, 9600 Third Street
Ph. (250)656-4201

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry, Rug hooking, Weaving | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio)
Noella LeDrew, Sooke

Noella LeDrew, Sooke

Multi-media artist/designer


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Basketry, Beading, Calligraphy, Ceramics, Collage / Mixed media, Drawing, Mixed Media, Paper making, Photography, Pottery, Sculpting | Design Arts)
Clara's Baskets, Clara Rosa, Salt Spring Island

Clara's Baskets, Clara Rosa, Salt Spring Island

Ponderosa Pine baskets and Gourds

Salt Spring Island, V8K 1P4, 140 Head Street
Ph. 250 537 5124

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry)

Burgundy Works, Victoria

Hand woven articles, handspun yarns

Victoria, V8P 5k8, 3938 Jessica Place
Ph. (250) 721-1873

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry, Fibre art, Weaving)
Karen Bottcher, Cobble Hill

Karen Bottcher, Cobble Hill

Jewelery Artist, Karen is a new resident of Cobble Hill, has always enjoyed creating and customizing the world around her. For many years she was a textile artist and a number of needlework techniques are employed in her creations.


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Basketry, Fibre art, Glass art, Jewellery, Mixed Media | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio)

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