British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Arts Council in Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

Cowichan Valley Arts Council, Duncan

Cowichan Valley Arts Council, Duncan

Cowichan Valley Arts Council

Duncan, V9L 2X5, 2687 James St.
Ph. (250) 746-1633

(Arts Community, Arts Council)
CACSP Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula, Sidney

CACSP Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula, Sidney

Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula

Sidney, V8L 3S8, PO BOX 2221 STN MAIN
Ph. 2506567400 or 2506567400

(Arts Community, Arts Council)
Dallas, Comox Valley

Dallas, Comox Valley

Arts & Cultural Organization

Courtenay, V9N 2G8, 440 Anderton Ave,
Ph. 250-334-2983

(Arts Community, Arts Council | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Literary Arts | Music | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
The McMillan Arts Centre (MAC), Parksville

The McMillan Arts Centre (MAC), Parksville

Art Gallery and Performance Centre

Parksville, V9P 2H5, 133 McMillan Street , PO Box 1662
Ph. 250-248-8185

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Arts Community, Arts Council | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Music)
Gulf Islands Community Arts Council, Ganges

Gulf Islands Community Arts Council, Ganges

Serving hundreds of artisans on Salt Spring Island and the Gulf Islands


(Arts Community, Arts Association, Arts Council)
Kathryn Compton, Victoria

Kathryn Compton, Victoria

Scattered Artist Tour

Victoria, V9B2W8, 5 - 626 Goldstream Ave
Ph. 250-590-696

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Water colour painting | Arts Community, Arts Association, Arts Council, Arts Group | Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Organizations | Markets)

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