The 2010 Season at the Spencer Hill Orchard will be featuring all things related to food in the gallery.
Karl's wood work will be a special feature, with finely carved wood cheese knives and boards.
All artisans will be welcomed to add to this celebration of food and the pleasure we seek with food!
We are ready for you to stop by and experience a working organic orchard.
Come and see what is happening - enjoy a fresh snack or light refreshment- with our own garden and valley food, and wander!
Check our 2010 seasons hours..
we have dedicated days for farm tours and gate sales.
Our event schedule is shaping up - the Can Can Dancers will be with us again- August 13 and 14 for The Cowboy Night.
Sunday evenings Music in the Orchard -
begins July 4th with Rosemary Phillips- a unique collection of singalong, folk and thoughtful music for the whole family
starts at 7pm.

We are certified with BC Agritourism and our produce is Certified Organic. We welcome people into our working orchard for tours and education on organic practices, apple lore, and the agricultural history of the area.
Tours include pie with refreshment.
We would love to hear in advance if you would like a tour with us.
Tours available at any time - open hours preferably - and call ahead for our closed days- we will be here - working in the orchard and market garden- but would be thrilled to show you around.
Special rates available for school groups.
Please call ahead for arrangements - 250-442-8583

Event details:
Sunday evenings Music in the Orchard:
July 4th - Rosemary Phillips
July 11- TBA/ open mic
July 18- TBA/ open mic
July 25- Peri Best
August 1st - The Quartette
The Annual Boundary Artisan Studio Tour will be in August in 2010 with a second day on September 25th - which is the same day as our Apple Festival-
Our Annual Apple Festival - is a true celebration of abundance and harvest-
All our apple varieties will be available for tasting,a pumpkin patch to play in and the orchard laden with harvest to wander and enjoy. There will be music on our outdoor stage and games for the whole family. come and stay all day - event goes from from 10-5pm

We are very proud of our Valley
the birds are in abundance.. hawks circling overhead in the heat of the day ..
our resident California Quail - call and laugh at us working way too hard!
The Land gives back to us as we nurture it, celebrate it and give thanks to the results.
The Market Garden gives an abundance, our garlic will be harvested in early August and we have 5 varieties sell.
Cherries begin in late June- early July, then our early stone fruits in early August- apricots, plums, early apples. And in September we are in full harvest mode.. with everything ready to go- from the orchard and market garden.
We are Certified Organic!
Come and experience this bounty with us!!