As a practicing professional artist Shirley Dickie is pushing her own personal boundaries creating images that are both edgy & provocative. Her subjects vary from landscape paintings to mindscape abstract paintings. Currently she is working on an online collection titled "Graffiti Artz" which is strongly influenced by street and graffiti art.
Shirley's work is continually in flux. Her unique, self evident style is easily recognized through her strong emphasis on shape and form. Colour plays a dramatic role too; tying together composition, technique and subject.
Generally Self-Taught
Generally I am a self-taught artist. My art educational training comes from life experience. I have been art-making since grade school. So I have been an artist for the past 40 years; practicing as a professional artist since 1996. I have received numerous art awards and participated in a large amount of art exhibitions both locally and internationally. As an educational component to my website I share my story to encourage emerging artist.

My Abstract Work - educational
In my abstract work, I paint my feelings which usually manifest as complex and intricate marks, lines, colour and image. I feel I am a complex person and reach deeply within myself to express my complexity, sometimes revealing an unknown side or shadow side of myself. Others can and do identify with these paintings because they are universal to our times. Our times are complex, people today operate as multi-thinkers, using the brain to solve problems, live life and dwell on spiritual principles all at the same time. It is no wonder that we are embracing a universal language based on image and word.

As I have turned older I realize that I identify strongly with the survival mode of the city and I understand in an experiential way the angst and turmoil that comes out of a hopeless future. I am thankful for that since it garners me a deeper understanding of our times and empathy for the condition of our youth, our society and our planet. My new work expresses this truth and holds the body and substance found.... here.