Jodi Forster, Cortes Island mask carver, wood sculptor, artisan, and creative image maker... presents Luahine (Old Woman in Hawaiian), an alder and horse hair mask Mask size: 16" x 9.5" x 4.5", horse hair hangs to 16" below mask. $1825 Can. View at Manzanita Muse Studio or on-line at: Visa and MC accepted.
'Wetland Reflection' by Dianne Bersea. Watercolour on on Arches watercolour paper, size: 14" x 27". Original Sold. 7 x 18" prints available at Manzanita Muse Studio or on-line. Visa and MC accepted. Original exhibited at Roberts Gallery, Toronto, July 7 - August 4, 85th Anniversary Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Members Show. More images at Visa and MC accepted.
Three masks by carver-artisan Jodi Forster. Mask left- hammered copper. Mask centre - cast hide. Mask right - hammered copper. Centre mask enhanced with horse hair and beads. Visit web site or email artist via Visa & MC accepted.

'Benediction, Breton Islands', acrylic on stretched canvas 24 x 24" by Dianne Bersea cspwc, AFCA. I love playing with the rythyms and flow of sea and sky. I always see these islets and islands as the Cortes ferry departs Quadra Island. One day the unusual light caught my eye. The sky was filled with a swirl of clouds lit by a late afternoon sun. Even at that, the multitude of clouds only allowed sunlight to sneak though fitfully, falling in broken light on individual islands. A quick sketch in ball point pen, became a carefully rendered pointilistic pen drawing, later a watercolour painting and finally a highly stylized and colourful acrylic. Available at Manzanita Muse Studio or online at Visa & Mastercard accepted.

"Gorge Harbour Whimsical Landscape", by Dianne Bersea cspwc, AFCA. Ink and watercolour on prepared panel 26" x 48". "This is a commission inspired by my other whimsical landscapes of Cortes Island and the Gulf of Georgia Cannery.
Everyone thinks I do these from aerial photographs, but the truth is, landscapes are often covered with trees that obscure the details. I start by walking the site and looking at maps. Then I make a series of sketches to determine the angle I'll use to view the scene. For Gorge Harbour I wanted to establish the ocean-side setting and provide a feel for the waters beyond the mouth of the Gorge. Once the angle of view and all the details are settled I finalize my drawing, enlarge it to working size and transfer it to my final surface. In this case I inked the image first then added watercolour. To complete the image, I also went back in and added further enhancement with ink. I'm pleased to report my client is very happy with the results!! Are you intrigued by these whimsical views? Would you like a whimsical landscape of your resort, property, home site, business location or recreational area? They make excellent way-finding, and marketing tools. Can be reproduced for web use, greeting cards, prints. The original is a treasure! Contact me for a quote. To see other whimsical images visit Visa & MC accepted.