Victor Lotto has been painting for a number of years in the 6 countries where he has served as a Canadian Diplomat. His work, primarily in watercolour and acrylic, is in private and corporate collections across Canada and in many countries. Victor studied at the Ottawa School of Art and has attended workshops with painters Tony Couch, Christopher Schink and Jack Reid. Victor also studied with Aba Bayefsky many years ago. Victor's paintings have been exhibited at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Ottawa School of Art and the Source of Art Gallery in Ottawa, Hart House and Victoria College at the University of Toronoto and the Vancouver Island Artists Show at the Victoria Conference Centre. His paintings have been in 50 juried shows since 1996 including the 1999 BC Festival of the Arts. Victor is a regular painter in "Paint Ins" at Oak Bay, Hatley Park, Art on the Gorge, Moss Street, and The Pacific Horticultural Centre. For several summers Victor was the resident artist for a week on BC Ferries "Queen of the North". In the past few years Victor has painted in France, Britain, Spain, California, and throughout Canada. He is past president of the Victoria Sketch club, an active member of the Federation of Canadian Painters and an Associate of Canadian Painters in Watercolour.
"I am particularly fond of heritage buildings and Vic Lotto has given me great pleasure in painting my home and also two other historic buildings in Victoria. I would highly recommend Vic to undertake any painting assignment offered him. He has an extremely pleasant manner and has 'charmed the socks off ' many of our UVic colleagues."