British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

The Gulf Islands National Park protects a representative portion of the Southern Gulf Islands, a landscape of rocky headlands, forested hills and shorelines studded with colourful tide pools. It was officially established on May 9, 2003.
This small park reserve includes thirty-six square kilometres of land and marine area on fifteen islands, numerous islets and reefs which provide valuable habitat for seals and nesting shorebirds. Additionally twenty-six square kilometres of submerged lands are also administered for national park purpose.

Interpretive Programs are offered on the islands of Saturna, Mayne, Sidney and Pender from June to early September. For more information, please call 1-866-944-1744.

You will find vibrant island communities that offer a full range of tourist amenities on Mayne, Saturna and the Penders. Inside the park facilities are limited. Most campsites and trails are located in the former provincial parks now included in the national park.

Park lands are open year-round, but no services or limited services are available in the off-season. The information below indicates the season during which fees are charged and full services provided.
(South Pender Island) May 15– September 30
Cabbage Island May 15 – September 30
D’Arcy Island June 1 – September 30
Isle-de-Lis June 1 – September 30
McDonald March 15 – October 31
Princess Margaret(Portland Is.) May 15 – September 30
Prior Centennial(North Pender Island) May 15 – October 15
James Bay (Prevost Island) June 1 – September 30
Sidney Spit May 15 – September 30

For more information about Gulf Islands National Park Reserve please refer to the Current Map /Hiking and Camping Information brochure:

Contact Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

Contact Name: Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada
Phone: 250-654-4000

Please visit Parks Canada for more information. BC Heritage