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Public Galleries of the Legislative Chamber

Members of the public may sit in the Public Galleries to observe the proceedings in the Legislative Chamber at any time that the House is sitting. Many of the meetings of Legislative Committees may also be observed by the public in the Committee Rooms.

The entrance to the Public Galleries is on the third floor of the Provincial Parliament Buildings. Persons wishing to enter the galleries must undergo security screening, similar to that at airports. Bags, cameras, and other possessions must be checked before entering. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly has made rules for the conduct of people in the public galleries.

Entry to the galleries is normally without reservation. However, gallery seats are often full during Question Period in the House, shortly after 2:00 p.m., from Monday to Thursday each week.

Contact Public Galleries of the Legislative Chamber

Contact Name: Karen L. Aitken
Phone: 250-387-8669
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