Deborah Borsos has lived and worked in the West Kootenays since 1996. After traveling the world for a number of years, the Kootenay Lake Valley- one mountain range west of the Rockies,- is home to the artist, her partner, and their two cats. The area in the north end of the lake where she lives provides infinite inspiration in creating her pastel landscapes.
Currently, Deborah is experimenting with structural supports for pastel, and is creating pieces using industrial sandpaper, with a fine grit.
The artist's work has found homes in private collections around the world. Both framed and unframed pieces are available for sale, along with cards, magnets and prints produced from the original work.
Bursting its Banks ©DBorsos
The Green of Early Summer. ©D.Borsos
Red Willow Along Cooper Creek ©D.Borsos