Unni Bakstad Lorenz - Weaving Instructor
My background in weaving spans over 30 years. I've taken extensive courses in Norway, U.S.A. and here in Canada. I received my Crafts Program Diploma and Certificate for teaching crafts from Capilano College. At the Sons of Norway Heritage Camp I taught basketry, felting and weaving. Numerous weavers guilds in B.C. have taken workshops from me in the Norwegian Krokbragd technique. I've taught weaving and crafts through the Surrey Recreation Program. Weaving on one of our loomsThe Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners Guild honoured me with a Life Membership. I've participated in hangings now on permanent display: a transparency at the Cancer Clinic at Surrey Memorial Hospital, a tapestry in Peace Arch Hospital and felted panels, at the new arena in 100 Mile House, B.C. I'm also a member of Greater Vancouver Weavers and Spinners Guild, South Cariboo Weavers and Spinners Guild, The Guild of Canadian Weavers and the Norwegian Textile Letter.

You can experience the beauty and recreational opportunities of the Cariboo and learn to weave at the same time. Come away with a blanket, a scarf or shawl, a rag rug, an Appalachian egg basket; or take a workshop in a Norwegian weaving design technique: Double Krokbragd, Square Weave, or Rosepath; weave a table runner, pillow or wall hanging . . . And you can even learn to felt, to knit a scarf, toque, mitts or socks. There are enough floor looms for six people to learn to weave. Work on your own time, after your personal instruction. Coming away with an article you have made, however big or small, is so satisfying. This all can be achieved in a 3 - 4 nights stay.
There are four jack looms; one 60" eight-harness double back beam, one 45" four-harness, one 36" four-harness and one 22" eight-harness floor loom. The other three looms are 45" counterbalanced floor looms. All the floor looms except the 22" jack loom use the sectonal warping method. They are all Leclerc make looms.

This is a birder's paradise, all year round. The wild flower meadows are a sight to see in the summer. This is big sky country, beautiful blue skies and bright starry nights, sometimes lit up by the aurora borealis. There is hiking, biking, canoeing, fishing, on and around our lake; and golfing and horseback riding close by.
Winter also has its splendour in the dry crisp air, with a million, zillion diamonds sparkling in the snow. It's great to go walking, cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, sledding or snowmobiling. Spot a moose or two, or the otters playing on the ice.
Make it a retreat from your everyday life. You can drop by for an afternoon, make it a long weekend or take a week's vacation; make a date with your mother, sister, friend, or have a girlfriends retreat group come up.

I base my classes on the need of the individual and also try to give as much variety as I can to the program, depending on the length of stay. I like the individual to have a finished, usable article when done - in each element, if they so desire.