British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Dance in Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

Victoria Academy of Ballet, City of Victoria

Victoria Academy of Ballet, City of Victoria

Professional Ballet Training

Victoria, V8T 2X8, 643 Broughton Street
Ph. 250-590-6752

(Performing Arts, Dance)
Russian Ballet Studio, Julia Kipshidze, Victoria

Russian Ballet Studio, Julia Kipshidze, Victoria

Russian Ballet Studio

Victoria, V8Z3K9, 3277 Douglas street
Ph. 250 598 5484 ,250 475 2585

(Performing Arts, Dance | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
TANGOART, Victoria

TANGOART, Victoria

Argentine Tango with Robert Creese and Angela Hemming.


(Performing Arts, Dance | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Ptarmigan Music and Theatre Society, Pender Island

Ptarmigan Music and Theatre Society, Pender Island

Ptarmigan Music and Theatre Society

Pender Island, V0N 2M1, 12-4301 Bedwell Harbour Road
Ph. 1-866-859-0634 or 1-866-859-0634

(Arts Community, Arts Group | Music, Band, Singer | Performing Arts, Comedy, Dance, Drama, Musical/Musical Theatre | Workshops/Classes)
Lighthouse Academy of Dance, Kathie Hunwick, Saanich

Lighthouse Academy of Dance, Kathie Hunwick, Saanich

Dance instruction, ministry and performance

Victoria, V9A 2C2, 721 Newbury Street
Ph. 2505958705

(Education | Kids & Teens | Performing Arts, Dance, Musical/Musical Theatre | Workshops/Classes)
Vancouver Island Youth Dance Theatre Assn., Sidney

Vancouver Island Youth Dance Theatre Assn., Sidney

Dancestreams is a pre-professional youth dance company

Port Alberni, V9Y 7L1, 4330 Victoria Drive
Ph. 250 723 9525

(Kids & Teens | Performing Arts, Dance | Theatres)
Quw'utsun' Cultural and Conference Centre, Duncan

Quw'utsun' Cultural and Conference Centre, Duncan

The Centre offers all guests an authentic First Nations Experience

Duncan, V9L 6P4, 200 Cowichan Way
Ph. 1.877.746.8119 or 250.746.8119

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation | First Nations | Performing Arts, Dance, Musical/Musical Theatre | Theatres)
Reflections of Fantasy Dance Group, Victoria

Reflections of Fantasy Dance Group, Victoria

Non-profit dance group. Anyone can join! Phone: 250-415-2609


(Performing Arts, Dance)
CCPA - The Canadian College of Perforrming Arts, Victoria

CCPA - The Canadian College of Perforrming Arts, Victoria

The Canadian College of Performing Arts is Canada's premiere College for the future stars of stage and screen

Victoria , V8R 5L7, 1701 Elgin Rd.
Ph. 250-595-9970

(Arts Community, Arts Association | Education | Performing Arts, Comedy, Dance, Drama, Film/Movie/Video, Musical/Musical Theatre)
Intrepid Theatre, Victoria

Intrepid Theatre, Victoria

Intrepid Theatre - presenters of the Victoria Fringe Festival and Uno Fest

Victoria, V8W 2J5, 1609 Blanshard
Ph. or 250 383 2663

(Performing Arts, Comedy, Dance, Drama, Musical/Musical Theatre | Theatres)

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