British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands

Port Hardy & District Chamber of Commerce, Port Hardy

Port Hardy & District Chamber of Commerce, Port Hardy

Live the Adventure!

Port Hardy, V0N 2P0, 7250 Market Street, P.O. Box 249
Ph. 250-949-7622

(Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce)
Cowichan Lake Visitor/Business Centre, Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Lake Visitor/Business Centre, Lake Cowichan

Welcome to Beautiful Cowichan Lake area. We would be happy to point you in any direction you wish. Cowichan Lake is the perfect gateway to the rugged and beautiful West Coast and Pacific Marine Circle Route.

Lake Cowichan , V0R2G0, 125C South Shore Rd., Box 824
Ph. (250) 749-3244

(Business & Services Organizations, Business Networks, Chamber of Commerce)
Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce, Esquimalt

Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce, Esquimalt

Welcome to the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce

Victoria, V9A 7J5, 1153 Esquimalt Rd
Ph. (250) 704-2525

(Business & Services Organizations, Business Networks, Chamber of Commerce)
Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre, Port McNeill

Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre, Port McNeill

Welcome to the Port McNeill Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre!

Port McNeill, V0N 2R0, P.O. Box 129 - 351 Shelley Crescent
Ph. 250-956-3131

(Business & Services Organizations, Business Networks, Chamber of Commerce)
Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, Ladysmith

Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, Ladysmith

Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre

Ladysmith, V9G 1A4, Po Box 598 , 411 B 1st Avenue
Ph. 250-245-2112 or 250-245-2112

(Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce)
Bamfield Chamber of Commerce, Bamfield

Bamfield Chamber of Commerce, Bamfield

Looking forward to an exciting new season in 2007!

Bamfield, V0R 1B0, British Columbia,
Ph. 250 728-3500

(Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce)
Gabriola Chamber of Commerce, Gabriola Island

Gabriola Chamber of Commerce, Gabriola Island

Gabriola is a beautiful rural island enjoying a temperate climate, a strong sense of community, and a pastoral natural setting.

Gabriola Island, V0R 1X0, Box 249
Ph. (250) 247-9332 or (250) 247-9332

(Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce)
Kathryn Compton, Victoria

Kathryn Compton, Victoria

Scattered Artist Tour

Victoria, V9B2W8, 5 - 626 Goldstream Ave
Ph. 250-590-696

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Water colour painting | Arts Community, Arts Association, Arts Council, Arts Group | Business & Services Organizations, Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Organizations | Markets)

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