First Nation Master Carver, Herb Rice, carves beautiful solid wood custom made doors, totems, masks, talking sticks, walking sticks, panels and plaques.
Cowichan Bay, V0R 1N1, 4705 TransCanada Highway Ph. 250-701-3086
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Wood carving/turning | First Nations | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Welcome to my studio for making jewelry using metal clay, argentuim silver, and copper sheet as well as knitted and braided coloured wire for necklaces and bracelets. I also create patinas by torch painting. Metal Clay Workshop Oct. 20,21 see website
Duncan, V9L6J2, 4735 Cowichan Lake Road, (5 km west of Tansor Connector btw. Hwy 18 and Cowichan Lk. Rd.) Ph. 250-715-0207
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Beading, Collage / Mixed media, Fibre art, Jewellery, Metal art, Mixed Media, Paper making, Sculpting, Wood carving/turning | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Visual artist/printmaker dabbles in multi-media; Creator of ETINGS - Every Thing Is Not Garbage incorporating recycled donations from friends. Believes “creating art improves everyone’s quality of life, including the elderly.”
Victoria, V8N 3W1, 4601 Seawood Terrace, Gordon Head Ph. 1 (250) 477-7496
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Collage / Mixed media, Folk Art, Mixed Media, Printmaking)
"Fired Up! Contemporary Works in Clay" is a diverse group of professional BC artists who collectively promote awareness, appreciation and excellence in the ceramic arts.
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Ceramics, Pottery | Arts Community, Arts Group)
Xchanges Gallery and Artists' Studios is Victoria's oldest non-profit, artist-run centre.
Victoria, V8T4P4, Suite 6E-2333 Government St Ph. or 2503820442
(Arts Community, Arts Association | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Gallery, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Our artists work in differing media such as oils, watercolors, sculpture, photography, representing no specific style or genre. They do share in their diversity a common vision that art is a positive instrument with a global & spiritual perspective.
Shawnigan Lake, V0R2W0, Box 40 Ph. 250 743 1222
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows)
Ph. 250-468-7416
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Wood carving/turning | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio)