British Columbia Travel GuideThe unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide
The lake is part of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast's vast terrain and is part of a journey that takes visitors to absolute seclusion! Fishing at its finest.
When flying in or on sightseeing tours by air the wildlife is put on show and possibly bear, deer, elk, moose, caribou or eagles can be seen in their natural surroundings.
Camping, cabins, and great meals are offered by the remote accommodations on the lake.
The Nimpo lake can be accessed by road just twenty miles from the Anahim Lake Airport, which makes it quite easy to fly the short one hour trip directly out of Vancouver.Population: 100+
Annual Dean River Canoe Race from Nimpo to Anahim Lake - May
Alexander Mackenzie Trail
Hiking trails and Horseback riding between nearby lakes.
Summer average 20 degrees Celsius
Winter average 3 degrees Celsius
Nimpo Lake Accommodations
Nimpo Lake Things to Do