British Columbia Travel Guide
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Fibre art in Gabriola Island

Indigo Moon yarns and handwoven textiles, Gabriola Island

Indigo Moon yarns and handwoven textiles, Gabriola Island

Hand dyed yarns and handwoven textiles in rich, bold, beautiful colours...positively West Coast!


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Clothing designer, Fibre art, Knitting & Crocheting, Weaving)
Below the Dipper Productions, Siki McIvor, Gabriola Island

Below the Dipper Productions, Siki McIvor, Gabriola Island

Hand dyed, hand felted wearable/useable art (clothing, handbags, jackets, tea cozies etc.)

Gabriola Island, V0R 1X6, 1915 Stokes Rd.
Ph. 250-247-0024

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Clothing designer, Fibre art)

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