Inspired by our beautiful natural surroundings, British Columbia is the perfect home for thousands of artists, writers, sculptors and painters, who produce handmade products, unique house hold goods, art on canvas and some of the finest works in glass, fabric, paper, wood and metals. A collage of their work and experience is shared here in photography on our site. To visit their studios, learn about tours and locate where you can find these BC gifts to pick up during your visit.
Landscapes, Woodcuts, Watercolours, printmaking, Hand printed greeting cards and Acyrlics
Duncan, V9L4H9, 2466 Seine Rd Ph. (250)510 0777
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Printmaking, Traditional boat building, Water colour painting)
Skidegate, V0T 1S1, 2 Second Beach Road, P.O. Box 1523 Ph. n/a or 250-559-7885
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Jewellery, Traditional boat building | First Nations | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Museum | Performing Arts | Workshops/Classes)
Combining local reclaimed woods with selected North American and European species, Craig breathes old life into new works. Furniture, Cabinetry, Canoes & Paddles
Victoria, V9E 2H1, 5940 A Old West Saanich Rd. Ph. (250) 595-1698
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Traditional boat building, Wood carving/turning | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio)
Silva Bay Shipyard School, Jennifer Provencher, Gabriola Island
Traditional wood boat building school
Gabriola Island, V0R 1X7, 3200 Silva Bay Road Ph. 250 247 8099
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Traditional boat building, Wood carving/turning | Education | Workshops/Classes)
Ph. (250)510 0777
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Printmaking, Traditional boat building, Water colour painting)